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Patricia Cabaleiro
" ...
To reach beyond imitation,
And the wheel of repetition,
Deep into the call of all
The unfinished and unsolved
Until the veil of the unknown yields
And something original begins
To stir toward your senses
Ang grow stronger in your heart
In order to come to birth
In a clean line of form,
That claims from time
A rhythm not yet heard
that calls space to
a different shape.
May it be its own force field
And dwell uniquely
Between the heart and the light
To surprise the hungry eye
By how drftly it fits
About its secret loss."
By John O'Donohue
from the book:
To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

Patricia Cabaleiro_sun at night2015_120cmX120cm



Patricia Cabaleiro_Angels2015_90cmX90cm


US Yellow 2010 Patricia Cabaleiro

One_210X81cm_Acryl on canvas_2012

Not round_I_Cabaleiro 2013

Meditation in Pink-acryl on canvas-Patricia Cabaleiro2013
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